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Romanian Experts of Joint Research Team on International Scientific Conferences in Milan

Romanian Experts of Joint Research Team on International Scientific Conferences in Milan

The Romanian experts representing the University Danubius of Galați in the Joint Research Team of the LeNetEco Project: Prof. Daniela-Laura BURUIANĂ, Assist. Viorica GHISMAN, and Lect. Cristian-Dragoș OBREJA) participated on the International Conferences: MASET-22 (39th Milan International Conference on “Advances in Science, Engineering & Technology”, MLHES-22 (34th Milan International Conference on “Literature, Humanities, Education and Social Science), and EMMLS-22 (26th International Conference on “Education, Marketing, Management and Legal Studies”) organized during the 14-16 March 2022 period in Milan (Italy).

The conferences were organized to bring together the members of the international community at a common platform, allowing the researchers from around the world to present their leading-edge work, in view to help in expansion of the knowledge and providing an insight into the significant challenges currently being addressed in that research. All the submitted papers in the proceeding have been peer reviewed by the reviewers drawn from the scientific committee, external reviewers and editorial board depending on the subject matter of the paper. After the rigorous peer-review process, the submitted papers were selected on the basis of originality, significance, and clarity for the purpose of the conference. The main goal of these events is to provide international scientific forums for exchange of new ideas in a number of fields that interact in-depth through discussions with their peers from around the world. The program has been structured to favor interactions among attendees coming from many diverse horizons, scientifically, geographically, from academia and from industry.


The Romanian experts presented the paper:

Microplastic Pollution In The Aquatic Environment, Applying A Case Study: Lower Danube-Black Sea Area - A Review

ISBN-978-989-53228-8-6 39th MILAN International Conference on “Advances in Science, Engineering & Technology” (MASET-22) Milan (Italy) March 14-16, 2022

Daniela Laura Buruiana1, Viorica Ghisman1 and Cristian Dragos Obreja1,*

1 Interdisciplinary Research Centre in the Field of Eco-Nano Technology and Advance materials CC-ITI, Faculty of Engineering, “Dunarea de Jos” University of Galati, Romania

* Corresponding author: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Abstract: Plastic pollution has become a global problem that is widespread across all compartments of the marine environment and there are insufficient data on the extent of plastic pollution in the Black Sea. Today`s rapidly developing and changing technologies within Covid 19 pandemic situation increased water pollution with plastic. Macroplastics are known to cause detrimental effects for wildlife. Individual animals can ingest large pieces or become entangled in plastic items, such as fishing gear, and suffocate or starve to death. Over time, macroplastics break up into small particles called microplastics (<5 mm in diameter), which can persist in the environment for hundreds of years. The importance of Microplastic Pollution in the Lower Danube-Black Sea Area in dealing with teaching the next generation to prevent a new environmental disaster regarding water pollution.

The current review reveals the aquatic pollution with microplastics and its effects on flora, fauna and humans in the Danube- Black Sea Area.


The research was supported by the project” Establishment of Learning Network for the consolidation effort of joint environmental control and monitoring in the Black Sea Basin 2” Project Acronym: LeNetEco 2, Project Number: BSB-1088, JOINT OPERATIONAL PROGRAMME BLACK SEA BASIN 2014-2020.

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0 March 2023
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