Common borders. Common solutions.

Programme Framework

Programme Specific Objective

Promote coordination of environmental protection and joint reduction of marine litter in the Black Sea Basin
Programme Priority
Priority 2.1 Improve joint environmental monitoring

The overall LeNetEco project objective is joint effort consolidation and society involvement in the BSB countries by environmental control and monitoring of its rivers deltas improvement.


The national boundaries represent a substantial obstacle for information and knowledge exchange that are necessary for joint environmental control and monitoring in the BSB countries. The proposed project “LeNetEco” intents to realise complex solutions and capitalize the existing experience from previous regional/ national/cross-border relevant efforts in order to develop a new interregional approach, combining in the complex:

  1. the using on-line methods of learning
  2. the using of Internet and GIS technologies
  3. the using of target groups motivation to environmental activity.

The creation of the network for the knowledge exchange and activisation of collective environmental monitoring in the Black Sea basin is focused:

Firstly, on the removal of the gaps in the field of environmental knowledge in society, especially among schoolchildren and young people, on the one hand, and on the other, on the exchange of such knowledge among different target groups of the Black Sea basin countries.

Secondly, the creation of the necessary tools for displaying information on the environmental situation in the Black Sea basin, as well as ensuring general access to this information. The availability of such information will allow making decisions to eliminate the causes of pollution.

Thirdly, the formation of an international volunteer public service for environmental control and monitoring, whose members will monitor the ecological situation in the Black Sea basin.

The listed tasks of the project will be decided through the development and implementation of three components of the project (e-education webpage, e-Map of Environmental Monitoring and e-Service "Volunteer of environmental monitoring"), combined into a single whole - the LeNetEco platform.

Identifying the needs, linkages and dependencies between sectorial knowledge gaps can help to solve the most urgent problems and will lead to cross-sectorial solutions. The LeNetEco project will meet the interdisciplinarity and importance of research and aims to cover both, ecological and social-cultural issues.

A consortium of 6 partners and with different professional backgrounds, including experience at the BSB program, will facilitate it.

Project Specific Objectives


Provide access to educational resources, knowledge and information in the field of environmental protection by establishing an environmental training and informing e-resource.


Improve cultural and educational potential of BSB countries citizens in environmental protection sphere by ecology training program development.


Strengthen collaboration and knowledge and information accumulation for ensuring a stable function of LeNetEco platform therefor giving possibility to other countries and organizations to use and evaluate it.


Last Update

0 March 2023
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This website was created and maintained with the financial support of the European Union. Its contents are the sole responsibility of Agency of Sustainable Development and European Integration “Lower Danube Euroregion” and do not necessarily reflect the views of the European Union.