Common borders. Common solutions.

Project Partners

Association of Cross-border Cooperation ”Lower Danube” Euroregion

Association of Cross-border Cooperation ”Lower Danube Euroregion” (ACTEDJ) is the executive management structure of the Lower Danube” Euroregion, entity founded in 1988 by:


Public administration units from RO:

Galati, Braila, Tulcea


Odessa regional state administration;

UA Regional Council of Odessa;

Reni District Council and Ismail City Hall


MD Cahul

and Cantemir Districts

The main goal of ACTEDJ is to assist its members towards an enhanced economic development and cooperation in the area of common interest, promote business and entrepreneurship in the tourism and cultural sectors being underlined as a priority in the region and is an objective assumed by the organization.

Representation and connection to European and international level

Political and administrative context of cooperation since 1998

23 years of cross-border cooperation

Association of Cross-border Cooperation ”Lower Danube Euroregion”

Durable development in both public and private sector projects

Durable development common project portfolios of a value of over 100MEuro

Euroregion ”Lower Danube Euroregion”

Throughout their 23 years of cooperation in the Lower Danube Euroregion area, their involvement and support for sustainable projects had as results: an Integrate Centre of Cross border Cooperation and Economic Development Zatun – Galati, a Cross border Cooperation Centre for Environmental Protection – Vladesti, a Centre for Environmental Management for Moldova.

The Association team comprises certified project managers and trainers in the area of project management, sustainable development – economic and strategic planning and eco-efficiency.

A.C.T.E.D.J. has experience in organizing seminars and providing curricula for training courses and workshops in the area of social-economic development: cross-border partnerships – tool of attracting external funds, financing opportunities for the nongovernmental organizations and opportunities for the minority organizations in South East Region.
The Association has experience in creating and exploiting professional networks due to the project CAN – Cultural Artistic Network in the Lower Danube Euroregion and training curricula due to the project Information, awareness, counselling and qualification – premises for e sustainable development, within the Operational Program for Developing the Human Resources.


Joint actions for environmental protection in Black Sea Basin

Financing Program: Joint Operational Programme “BLACK SEA BASIN 2014-2020”


The main objective of the project is promoting environmental protection in the Black Sea Basin through common education, awareness and river clean-up campaigns to reduce river and marine litter.


703,870.00 Euro


Jointly awareness and education campaigns; Measures to identify illegal landfill sites on riverbanks; Capacity building on environmental protection in the Black Sea Basin


Citizen engagement in the prioritization, design and implementation of local development policies

Financing Program: Joint Operational Programme “BLACK SEA BASIN 2007-2013”


Capacity building for organizations of civil society in order to strengthen their role in the prioritization, design and implementation of local and regional development public policies.


498.020,8 Euro


Increased awareness of stakeholders regarding the importance of civil society involvement in the process of formulation and implementation of development public policies; Implementation of new instruments, SMART Method for public policies at partnership level; Network of organizations in the project area in the public policies area; Public-Private Partnership (PPP) Centre in Galati, within ACTEDJ.


Innovative instruments for environmental analysis in north western black sea basin

Financing Program: Joint Operational Programme “BLACK SEA BASIN 2007-2013”


Supporting the development of durable environmental policies by deploying innovative research initiatives focused on the analysis, monitoring and investigation of physical-chemical and biological parameters of surface aquatic systems in North Western Black Sea Basin.


769.265,00 Euro


Creation of a modern approach for research initiatives on environmental issues (1 methodology applied in the 4 research initiatives); Improved cross-border collaboration (1 shared database and a Portal for communication and among different stakeholders); Dissemination of information on pollution prevention for citizens through the public portal; Development environmental indicators that will serve as analysis tools for at least 120 technical environmental experts from the participating countries; Development of 5 essential environment reports – including medium term improved components in the region’s environmental policies; Exchange of best practices in the environmental management field between the involved specialists.

Clean River

Financing Program:
Joint Operational Program Romania-Ucraina 2014-2020


Prevention and exclusion of emergency situations caused by man-made disasters in sewage systems in Danube Delta border area.


4.353.696,00 Euro


Pumping station in Izmail reconstructed and modernized; sewage system rehabilitaed; rehabilitation of the sewage networks and wastewater treatment stations of Tulcea County Emergency Hospital; capacity building program implemented for the emergency situations response for stakeholders; joint monitoring system; joint strategy for emergency situation; information and dissemination events.


Development cooperation, assistance and education measures

Financing Program:
Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MAE)


The project will be a framework for information, dialogue, cooperation, assistance and consultancy created for NGOs, public authorities and institutions, educational institutions, the media and private entities in the Lower Danube Euroregion.


56.576,19 USD


Increased information among NGOs in RO and MD on the objectives and initiatives of RO and the EU at regional level, on the Sustainable Development Goals, the Millennium Development Goals and on the development cooperation policy; Increased number of initiatives, public events, know-how exchange and partnerships in the Euroregion;Increased number of training opportunities within the project; 2 courses: institutional management and project management for development; Strengthen cooperation in the region in line with clearly identified strategic directions; Creation of appropriate institutional space to ensure access to development resources for entities in the Euroregion;Increased RO visibility in the Euroregion and within the EU by strengthening Euroregional cooperation and creating a sustainable support framework for entities in the Euroregion.

Inventory, analysis and remediation of anthropogenic sources of pollution in the Lower Danube area of UA, RO and MD

Financing Program:
Joint Operational Program Romania-Ucraina – Republic of Moldova 2007-201


Reducing the environmental impact of chemical waste and domestic waste in the Lower Danube region and improving the monitoring of pollutants in the area.


5.840.000,00 Euro


Implementation and operationalization of a sewage treatment plant in Vilkovo, UA; of a regional Center for Ecological Studies in Odessa, UA; a Hazardous Waste Management Center in Chisinau, MD; the implementation of a cross-border strategy for pollution combat.


12 Years of Activity

2009 - present


15 employees


Over 24.000.000,00 euros in finished and ongoing projects


Association of Cross-border Cooperation ”Lower Danube” Euroregion has established itself as one of the most active forms of cross-border cooperation in Romania, performing in attracting funds of over 24 million euro and achieving common objectives, that have contributes to:

  • Economic and socio-cultural development of the Lower Danube Euroregion area;
  • Capacity building for organizations of civil society in order to strengthen their role in the prioritization, design and implementation of local and regional development public policies;
  • Improving economy of cross-border in Lower Danube region through diversification and sustainable modernization of cross-border tourism;
  • Attracting investments in environmental protection;
  • Increasing the mobility of human and financial resources;
  • Reducing disparities in regional development;
  • Promoting and developing Social Entrepreneurship in the Euroregion, valuing youth potential, lowering social disparities and creating inclusive workplaces;
  • Promoting and developing interpersonal relationships based on trust and mutual respect.

Last Update

0 March 2023
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This website was created and maintained with the financial support of the European Union. Its contents are the sole responsibility of Agency of Sustainable Development and European Integration “Lower Danube Euroregion” and do not necessarily reflect the views of the European Union.