Common borders. Common solutions.


Project Partners

Ecological Counseling Center Cahul

Ecological Counseling Center Cahul

is a public, non-profit and non-governmental organization. The entity was registered in Cahul, Republic of Moldova in March 1999.

Our mission is to improve the social, economical and environmental well being of the communities from the South region of the Republic of Moldova by implementing environmental projects and raising public awareness on environmental issues.
20This is done by participating in regional, national and international projects and actions, and by conducting awareness raising campaigns. As well we foster local, national and international partnerships in order to attract investments for a sustainable environment.

This is done by participating in regional, national and international projects and actions, and by conducting awareness raising campaigns. As well we foster local, national and international partnerships in order to attract investments for a sustainable environment.
Ecological Counseling Center Cahul has staff with experience in developing and implementing regional, national, cross-border and international projects in various fields such as: management, environment, education, agriculture, tourism, science and economics.

Below are specified some of the projects implemented by the Ecological Counseling Center Cahul.


1. “Marine and River Litter Elimination New Approach” MARLENA - Joint Operational Programme Black Sea Basin 2014-2020

Total budget of the action: 838 278 EUR
Period of implementation: 17.08.2018 - 16.02.2021
The project aimed at jointly raising public awareness and education regarding river and marine litter problems through joint actions to reduce river and marine litter.
Particular attention was paid to development of environmentally and responsible-citizenship and ecological behavior among youth.

2. “Tourism Paths of the Black Sea Region” BSB TOUR - Joint Operational Programme Black Sea Basin 2007-2013

Total budget of the action:577 760 EUR
Period of implementation: 01.11.2013 – 30.10.2015
General objective of the project was establishment of a strong cooperation between the partners’ organizations from different social, economical and regional aspect countries in order to achieve economic, social and tourism development based on common resources.


3. “New life on Prut River – opportunities for local people and nature” - WWF Danube-Carpathian Programme Romania;

Total budget of the action: 46 100 EUR
Period of implementation: 01.10.2012-31.12.2014
The overall goal of the project - contribution to biodiversity conservation and sustainable community development in the area. The project activities were oriented to help restoring natural woodland habitats, improving communities access to clean water, build the capacity of the Lower Prut Scientific Reserve by providing equipment and supporting educational activities in the surrounding villages.


4. “Clean Rivers - Clean Sea! NGOs actions for environmental protection within Black Sea area”- Joint Operational Programme Black Sea Basin 2007-2013

Total budget of the action: 498 099 EUR
Period of implementation: 01.11.2012 – 30.10.2014
The Overall objective of the action was to contribute to the effectiveness of the measures taken by different stakeholders to address the issue of water pollution, as common challenge in the environmental protection of the Black Sea area.


5.“Improvement of the Integrated Coastal Zone Management in the Black Sea Region, ICZM” - Joint Operational Programme Black Sea Basin 2007-2013

Total budget of the action: 627 102 EUR
Period of implementation: 01.01.2013-31.12.2014
This project aimed to develop and promote common tools and methodologies on Integrated Coastal Zone Management (ICZM) in 5 states, in order to create a possible methodological framework to be assimilated into administrative practice in all partner regions, providing a model suitable for multiplication along the entire area of the Black Sea basin.

6. “The Decrease of Water Pollution Sources in Prut river basin through the Promotion and Implementation of the Best Agricultural Practices” - United Nations Development Programme / The Global Environment Facility

Total budget of the action: 55 200 EUR
Period of implementation: 01.11.2009 – 31.08.2010
Project goal - to contribute to the reduction of water pollution, especially to the reduction of the diffuse organic pollution in the Prut River Basin through promotion of Best Agricultural Practices, implementation of concrete demonstrative measures and empowering communities to take concrete measures.

7. “Raising Public Awareness on Solid Municipal Waste Management in the North-West of the Black Sea Region” - Joint Operational Programme Black Sea Basin 2007-2013

Total budget of the action: 550 200 EUR
Period of implementation: 01.11.2009 – 31.08.2010
The overall objective of the project was to build stronger regional partnerships and cooperation. In doing so, the project aimed to contribute to its broader key objective: "a stronger and more sustainable economic and social development of the Black Sea basin regions".

8. "Strengthened Stakeholder Capacity - A Key Factor in Environmental Governance in the Lower Prut Region" – United Nations Development Programme

Total budget of the action: 49 250 USD
Period of implementation: 02.02.2015 – 31.05.2016
The main purpose of the project - Contributing to the efficiency of measures for the expansion and development of natural areas protected by the state, protection and conservation of biodiversity.


Last Update

0 March 2023
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