The training program for NGOs, authorities and other categories of participants in Romania
During September-November 2022, the leading partner of the LeNetEco2 project, Danubius University of Galați (PL-UDG) organized the training program for the target groups identified and trained within the project activities (Activity A.T2 Training Events). The participants included in these target groups will constitute the groups of volunteers who will act in the actions of monitoring the state of the environment in the Black Sea discharge areas of the rivers and tributary streams. In addition to the mission of monitoring the state of environmental factors, the establishment of these volunteer groups also aims to attract a growing number of volunteers from other social and professional categories to cover, through their activity, a greater number of environmental factors to be monitored in the Black Sea area, but also the development of cooperation between volunteer groups from the Black Sea riparian states, partners of the LeNetEco2 project, in order to achieve the project's objectives.
In the project area in Romania, the following target groups were also established: the target group of non-governmental organizations (NGOs), TG3, made up of 20 participants, the target group made up of representatives of local and regional authorities, TG4 including 30 participants as well as the target group consisting of other categories of participants, TG5, including 31 participants.
The TG3 target group including non-governmental organizations formed a training group that, between October 21 and November 11, 2022, participated in four training sessions.
The target group of local and regional authorities, TG4, was divided into two subgroups of 20 and 10 participants respectively. The two subgroups participated in four training sessions between October 18 and November 28, 2022.
The target group "other participants", TG5, was divided into two subgroups: a subgroup of 10 participants with representatives of small commercial companies who participated in four training sessions September 8 - October 3, 2022.
The lecturers of the training sessions had at their disposal course materials specially developed for each category of participants, by the experts of the Lower Danube University in Galati who have been selected by the leading partner (PL-UDG) for the establishment of the Joint Research Team (JRT) of the project. These course materials were also made available to all participants. After completing the training sessions, the participants were tested using tests developed for this purpose and received international certificates of participation.
Training NGOs (TG3)
Training local/regional authorities