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University "Prof. Dr. Asen Zlatarov” trained students and researchers for monitoring the Black Sea

University "Prof. Dr. Asen Zlatarov” trained students and researchers for monitoring the Black Sea

The training was under the Project "Creation of a training network for consolidation of efforts for joint control and monitoring of the environment in the Black Sea Basin 2". The international project involves 6 partners from 4 countries: Bulgaria, Republic of Moldova, Romania, and Ukraine. It is implemented with the financial support of the Black Sea Basin SOP 2014-2020 and with co-financing from the Ministry of Regional Development and Public Works.A total of 85 students and 26 young researchers from the University and the Technical University of Varna successfully completed their training under the Monitoring and Protection of Waters and Marine Environment in the Black Sea program throughout May.At the end of the training, each student received a certificate, and all participants will receive an international certificate. 

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