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Project Beneficiary 4 University “Prof. D-r Assen Zlatatov”, Burgas, Bulgaria conducted the third press-conference about Third JRT Workshop

Project Beneficiary 4 University “Prof. D-r Assen Zlatatov”, Burgas, Bulgaria conducted the third press-conference about Third JRT Workshop

On 15.12.2022 (Thursday), at 10:30 o’clock, at the conference hall „Amphibia“ of hotel “Aqua”, Burgas the third press-conference after Third JRT Workshop of project “Establishment of Learning Network for the consolidation effort of joint environmental control and monitoring in the Black sea Basin 2”, LeNetEco2, was conducted. The event was part of Activity A.C.3 “Public events”, Group of activities “Communication”, deliverable D.C.3.3 “Report on the press-conference about Third JRT Workshop”.

All participants in the press conference received the book "Good Practices Review for Ecological training".

Guests at the press conference were the chairperson of the Municipal council of Burgas municipality - prof. Dr. Sevdalina Turmanova, the deputy-Regional Governor of the Burgas Region - Mr. Plamen Yanev, the rector of the university - Prof. Magdlena Mitkova, deans, etc.

The event was attended by 65 representatives of project stakeholders and target groups, including the deputy executive director of Executive Agency for Fisheries and Aquaculture – Mr. Borislav Chardakov, the deputy director of the port of Burgas - Mr. Stoycho Dimov, businessman, researchers, students, journalists etc.

The vice-rector of University "Prof. Dr. Assen Zlatarov”, prof. dr. Irena Markovska, coordinator of the project welcomed the participants of the event.

During the event 3 main themes were presented. Assoc. prof. Alexander Dimitrov, LeNetEco2 expert in monitoring methodology presented the results of Work package T1 - Creation of Internet platform "LeNetEco".

Assoc. prof. Daniela Toneva, LeNetEco2 expert in curriculum development, presented the results from Work package T1 "Development of the training program", incl. e-learning courses.

Assoc. prof. Nikola Todorov, specialist of profile organizations-laboratories, presented the results from Work package T3 - Joint Environmental Research.

The event was closed with specialized panel dedicated for questions and answers.

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0 March 2023
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