Students from the specialities "Ecology and Environmental Protection" and "Ecology and Environmental Management", Bachelor's degree at Prof. Assen Zlatarov University (PB4) will study the discipline “Monitoring and protection of the marine environment”
In implementation of Work package T2 "Development of the training program", by the decisions of the Academic council of Prof. Assen Zlatarov University, environmental training course was included in the curriculum and introduced into the educational process of the university.
This change in the curriculums is related to Activity A.T2.3 "Implementation of environmental training courses", D.T2.3.1 "Environmental training courses in Schools, Universities and NGO's activity" of the project "Establishment of Learning Network for the consolidation effort of joint environmental control and monitoring in the Black sea Basin 2 (acronym LeNetEco2)”.
With the decision of the Academic Council of No. 50 of November 24, 2022, item 2, the curriculums of the specialities "Ecology and Environmental Protection" and "Ecology and Environmental Management", Bachelor's degree were updated to include the discipline “Monitoring and protection of the marine environment”.
After the successful training in May-June 2022 of 5 pilot groups – 1. Pupils of schools. 2. Youth (students and other youth). 3. Local authorities and professional ecologists. 4. Representatives NGO's and Media. 5. Other stakeholders (researchers, fishermen, hunters. businessmen, ornithologists etc.), a curriculum was developed that will be permanently studied by the students of the two environmental specialties at the university.
From the academic year 2023/2024, all students from these specialities will be required to study the discipline “Monitoring and protection of the marine environment”.