Common borders. Common solutions.

Training events in Odesa, Ukraine

Training events in Odesa, Ukraine

During November 2022 in Odessa, Ukraine it is planning to held the training courses of the environmental monitoring program "MONITORING AND PROTECTION OF WATER AND MARINE ENVIRONMENT IN THE BLACK SEA REGION".

The aim of trainings is to learn more about environmental monitoring processes in international projects particularly related to BSB as well as BSB countries to support this activity.

The courses will be held for 5 targets groups: 100 pupils,  120 students, 25 persons from local authorities, 20 persons from NGO and 20 persons from the list of any interested persons, including private individuals, expressing an active position in the development of environmental protection in the project area. All participants will receive an international Certificate, signed by the leading partner of the project.

From the beginning of the project, it was planned that the courses would be held face-to-face, but in connection with the military aggression on the territory of Ukraine, to ensure the safety of training participants, the project team decided to hold all trainings in the city of Odesa in the format of online sessions. In connection with this, the training agenda will have a flexible schedule.

Last Update

0 March 2023
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