Common borders. Common solutions.

Press release

Press release

Ecological Counseling Center Cahul, PB 6, successfully organized the second press conference of the project "Creation of a learning network for the effort to strengthen the control and monitoring of the shared environment in the Black Sea Basin 2", LeNetEco2.

At the date of 28.10.2022, at 09:30, in the conference room of the Cahul Business Incubator, occurred press conference within the project "Creation of a learning network for the effort to strengthen the control and monitoring of the common environment in the basin Black Seas 2", LeNetEco2. The project is financed with the financial support of the European Union and implemented within the Joint Operational Program "Black Sea Basin".

The press conference they participated 60 participants/ (planned 50).  During the event, the results of the training events carried out, part of the T2 Activity Group "Development of the training program" of five pilot target groups were presented: 1) pupils, 2) students, 3) local authorities, 4) NGOs and mass media. and 5) other interested factors (researchers, business people).


The purpose of the event was to strengthen efforts by learning and activating society in the countries of the Black Sea Basin, by implementing environmental control and monitoring the environmental situation and improving it in the river deltas of the Black Sea Basin

Thus, during the June-July period, the training course "MONITORING AND PROTECTING THE ENVIRONMENT AND AQUATIC RESOURCES IN THE BLACK SEA REGION" was held, where 163 people from all the target groups provided for in the project were trained.


At the end of the event, the participants were awarded with certificates of participation.


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0 March 2023
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