Common borders. Common solutions.



The Lead Partner - Danubius University of Galați is in full swing of the courses from the environmental training program for target groups in Romania on "MONITORING AND PROTECTING THE ENVIRONMENT AND AQUATIC RESOURCES IN THE BLACK SEA REGION", organized within the BSB 1088 Project - LeNetEco2.

By forming the target groups, the LeNetEco2 Project aims to train a large number of people, from different fields of activity, in the process of improving the quality of the environment in the geographical area established by the project and developing cross-border cooperation.

For this purpose, the Lead Partner will train a number of 220 volunteers who will represent: local public authorities, regional public authorities, media representatives and NGOs interested in implementing the project and disseminating its results, thus ensuring the continuity of the project after the conclusion of its implementation, people with higher education  completed and young researchers (students and representatives of universities, young researchers), students from schools or education centers, from secondary schools and high schools aged between 15-18 years, representatives of commercial companies, except SMEs, which produce waste and polluted water that requires recycling and purification, representatives of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) whose activity is related to waste and nature protection (e.g. forest economy), as well as any other natural persons interested in expressing active positions in environmental protection actions (Others).

According to the provisions of the project, the training program for the people who will be involved in the implementation of the project is planned and carried out for 5 training target groups, as follows: Target Group 1 (GT1) - Students, schools, training centers (80 people), Target Group 2 (GT2) - Students, young researchers (80 people), Target Group 3 (GT3) - Local authorities and professional environmentalists (20 people), Target Group 4 (GT4) - Representatives of NGOs, mass media (20 people), Target Group 5 (GT5) - Others, natural persons, commercial companies other than SMEs (20 people).

The training program includes 9 training groups, out of which: 3 GT1 groups, 3 GT2 groups, 1 GT3 group, 1 GT4 group and 1 GT5 group.

Last Update

0 March 2023
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