Launching press conference - MEETING REPORT

Launching press conference - MEETING REPORT

Ecological Counseling Center Cahul has organised the launching press conference of the project LeNetEco 2 – “Establishment of Learning Network for the consolidation effort of joint environmental control and monitoring in the Black sea Basin 2”, under Joint Operational Programme Black Sea Basin 2014-2020.

The meeting was organized under the project activity Communication: A.C.3.

The launching event took place on 26 of February 2021 in Cahul town with the participation of Local Public Authorities, nongovernmental organizations, teachers, students, economic agents and media.

LeNetEco 2 - Establishment of Learning Network for the consolidation effort of joint environmental control and monitoring in the Black sea Basin 2” intents to develop information applications (e-training  & e-Map  and tools of public' environmental control & monitoring), and capitalize the experience from previous success all project partners. The project partners are from four countries: Bulgaria, Romania, Moldova and Ukraine.

Within this conference, it was presented to the participants the objectives, activities and expected results of the project.


Programme Specific Objective

2. Promote coordination of environmental protection and joint reduction of marine litter in the Black Sea Basin


Project Overall Objective

The overall objective of the project LeNetEco 2 - is to consolidate efforts and the activation of the society in the BSB countries by implementing environmental control and monitoring of environmental situation and its improvement in the rivers deltas of the Black Sea basin.


Project Main Result(s)

The main and most important result of the project is the LeNetEco platform which consists from 3 independents but united by the common aim of the parts.

First, LeNetEco platform will significantly reduce the problem of insufficient knowledge of citizens in the BSB countries, especially young people, in the field of environmental protection and monitoring.

Secondly, it will be a place to publish information about the environmental situation of the deltas of the Black Sea basin.

Thirdly, it will allow uniting the efforts of the different social groups of citizens and organization in the BSB countries to control the state of the environment.

Fourthly, its creation will promote territorial cooperation of active groups of youth, local authorities, ecology laboratories, researchers, NGOs.

Fifthly, LeNetEco platform and all its parts will be used and developed after the end of the project, i.e. to be as the result of the project at a long time.

The next, but no less important result of achieving the overall goal of the project is the creation of a training program in the field of environmental protection and monitoring of the environmental situation and training of participants in five pilot groups in the partner countries of the project. Derivative, but very important result, this is an availability of an on-line version of the curriculum and teaching materials, their placement on the LeNetEco platform.

The final result of the project, which reflects all the previous results, is the joint activity of active groups of citizens in the BSB countries, the exchange of information on the environmental situation. The project gives the possibility for citizens from other countries of the Black Sea basin to participate in this action.

The participants were informed that there will be elaborated a press release regarding the present meeting and it will be published in a national newspaper.


Project Manager Artur NEBUNU

Ecological Counseling Center Cahul


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